Saturday, December 8, 2012

sound walk

Yonkers born and raised, I know it like the back of my hand. So I decided to take a walk around my neighborhood, leave the comfort of my bed for a while. Between the ambience of nature and the moving people and cars it was a great opportunity to take a sound walk. The smell of fresh air put me in a daze, I felt as if I was back home in St Martin. The sound of the wind blowing howling quickly woke me up from my fantasy. When i snapped back to reality I heard the screeching of tires braking from down the hill, I figured that car must have been going pretty fast to screech that loud. I heard squirrels fighting and when I looked up there they were, fighting over a nut on the branch above me. In the distance I could hear a woman on the phone having a conversation, she was hanging out the window. She seemed as if she was looking out for someone to arrive. I guess I picked a pretty good day to do a sound walk or maybe I was  just lucky. A police car pulled up to the building not to far from me with their sirens wailing, I didn't even turn to see what the issue is. The siren alone was an indication of a issue I wanted to know nothing about. As I walked down the hill I could hear the screeching breaks of the bus approaching the bus stop, I could only imagine the hustling and bustling of the people trying to get on the bus. I continued down the hill as I passed the local Dominican barbershop I could hear the laughter and competitiveness in the air of the guys, I just knew they must have been playing sometime of card game or dominoes. When I passed the corner store I heard the little boy whining and begging his mother to buy him candy and it was obvious he wasn't getting his way. Soon I decided to head home before the street lights went out. Walking back was not as interesting as when I first began my walk but it was understandable once the street lights come on the streets clear. The most I could hear was the nearest catholic church ringing its bells for the new hour. Taking this sound walk really opened my eyes to the various sounds you encounter on a daily basis but complete ignore or maybe just mute out. The ambience sounds in life really help to establish settings and realism. Thinking about a movie with out all the various sounds that I heard on my sound walk would make a film seem less realistic.

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